a simple backup of the s6 prior to phone being replaced. Just to clarify, I wasn't doing anything unusual.
For most people, the mobile is a very personal extension of themselves so you should think very hard about just who you are placing your trust in when allowing them to restore your world. As an iOS & Android manager, Syncios supports installing application from local PC to iPod/iPhone/iPad/Android. I wouldn't rely on the stability of this application until it has gone through more testing. makes me really sad I won't have this to share with my daughter when she gets older. Very precious, personal information which as a first time parent you hold onto. I lost all metadata from the birth of my child. As an mobile manager, Syncios supports accessing any iPod touch, iPhone, iPad or Android phone to export apps, photos, music, ringtone, videos, SMS messages. The worst thing, my entire photo collection had the dates wiped. I have accumulated many years of contacts. Simple to transfer songs between Android/iPhone/. I also lost a number of my contacts but again no idea just how many. This program is the best iTunes alternative, which can help you manage your media collection in a way you like. Some WhatsApp groups were lost, I have so many I cannot identify just how bad the damage is. My WhatsApp history which I rely heavily on to stay in contact with family, 95 gone andor all jumbled up. Apps like CityMapper that has had months and months of data being entered into it, gone. I lost ALLOT of very personal data, some apps didn't even copy, I lost ALL my app data. I paid for this app so I expect a certain level of quality. Be VERY careful with this and do multiple backups from different vendors if I were you.